Thursday, February 11, 2010

Our Goal

Its coming along nicely I must say. We are saving for a house. Yes that means me and the husband have been working 6 days a week to stock pile money. It feels good to be able to have money in the bank. We thought once taxes were done we were getting 3000 back which we got state and not federal yet but yesterday we got another form in the mail and when the husband re figured taxes out we will get an extra 3500 back. That means the first 3000 will pay credit cards off and the the 3500 and the husbands 1500 bonus from work can go directly into savings. Yippie. What a great start to the year. Our goals are as follows:

1. No big purchases
2. Eat out very limited
3. Work 6 days a week
4. Start looking at houses the end of the year
5. Have a house by Feb 1 2011

We have many upcoming events that we are looking forward too. The following is our plans. These plans are all paid for already and were planned before we starting our savings plan.

March 1 10 years together husband and me
March 5the Pictures at Sears
March 24 Sybaris
May 6th Fireside Cinderella
May 22 Chris Daughtry/Lifehouse/Covo

I much say this are on the up swing around here and I am LOVING it =) Stick Around I will post photos from our events. I hope everyone is doing well drop a line to let me know you were here.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

When Life Hands You Lemons...

I say Beat the shit of it and demand florida oranges too. Life has been very busy recently and its not slowing down anytime soon. I am working 2 jobs and now I start Kickboxing water aerobics at the YMCA 2 days a week with some family. I feel like all I do is work but we want a house next year and thats what its going to take to get one. With taxes we will pay of credit cards and then have some to save and then the husband is getting a bonus check that will start of savings for a house. That will be like 1500 to start out. Im excited about this process and cant wait to get a house. It will be nice to have a place to call home.
Me and the husband had to sit down and have a conversation about partnership. In my eyes marriage is a partnership no matter what the split in bill or responsibilty. I believe that everything should be discussed between both parties when something is being done that is more long term than short term. I felt very disrespected last weekend and we had a day and half of heated arguement on who was right. I told him my feelings and why I felt that way and he told me his reasons. I still dont agree with the choice or reasons but I think he bettter understand that we are married and he should include me in all decisions. I hope in the future we never have to go over that talk again. What is your policy in your marriage? Is it 50/50 or is one party got more control that the other? Let me know would love to hear your ways.